We believe your life has great value and purpose. 

We want you to get the healing you need to connect to your purpose and live the most complete, fulfilling life possible.

Meet Genie

Fueled by her belief that every life has great value, purpose, and destiny, Genie founded Convergence Spiritual Care with the mission to guide people to find the healing and peace they need, while helping them build their inner strength so that it lasts.

As a product of spiritual care herself, she’s experienced firsthand the way past hurts and traumas can rule our emotions and decisions. In her early twenties, Genie was attending church regularly, but still battled depression among other things. She felt like she was doing everything right, but was still hurting.

Her own healing journey began with an honest prayer, "God, I'm not okay. I need more help." He led her to the verse in Matthew 11:28 that says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Since then, Genie has spent over twenty years working in healing ministry. Her training has come from different avenues including various ministry circles as well as a Master’s in Counseling from Arizona State University.

She’s found that counseling techniques can only take people so far, because we are not just physical or emotional beings. We are three parts: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Healing takes place in all three of these places. Her passion is to give people the tools and spiritual care they need to find it.


Discover your purpose...

Get everything that's holding you back out of the way so you can connect to your true purpose and destiny.